- 글번호
- 202529
- 작성일
- 2024.03.13
- 수정일
- 2024.03.13
- 작성자
- gssgsis
- 조회수
- 309
2024-1 학위논문_학위과제_학위자격시험 진행 일정/ 2024-1 Dissertation_Dissertation_Project_Degree Qualifying Examination Progression Schedule
2024학년도 1학기 학위논문·학위과제·학위자격시험 진행 일정을 다음과 같이 안내합니다.
1. 주요일정
| 주요일정 | 담당 | 기간 | 세부업무 |
1 | 학위논문·학위과제·학위자격시험 | 학생 | 4/1(월)~4/5(금) | [숙명포털시스템] |
2 | 학위논문·학위과제 신청서 승인 | 지도교수 | 4/5(금)~4/9(화) |
3 | 학위논문·학위과제·학위자격시험 | 학생 | 4/12(금)~4/17(수) | [숙명포털시스템] |
4 | 학위논문·학위과제 | 학과 | 4/18(목)~4/22(월) |
학위자격시험 과목 및 | 학위자격시험 관련 별도 공문 확인(추후 발송) | |||
5 | 학위논문·학위과제 심사 진행 | 학생 | 5/1(수)~5/24(금) | 학과(전공)별 세부일정 계획 및 진행 |
6 | 학위자격시험 실시 | 학생 | 5/8(수)~5/10(금) | 특수대학원 공지사항 확인(추후 발송) |
7 | 학위논문·학위과제 심사결과보고서, | 학과 | ~ 5/31(금) |
2. 논문표절 검사시스템 이용 안내(카피킬러캠퍼스)
가. 이용방법 (별첨5 : 도서관홈페이지 로그인> 자료검색> 전자자료 학술DB> C> Copy Killer)
1) 표절검사(기본조건)
- 비교범위 : 현재첨부문서, 카피킬러DB
- 검사설정 : 인용/출처 표시문장 제외, 제목/목차/참고문헌 제외
- 표절기준 : 6어절 이상 일치, 1문장 이상 일치 (예 : 나는 집에 간다 --> 3어절 1문장)
2) 표절검사 기준
- 표절률 권장사항 : 20% 미만
- 표절률 20%이상일 경우, 표절검사 결과확인서 중
상세보기를 출력하여 지도교수의 검토의견 및 서명을 받아야 함
나. 제출방법
- 논문 심사자 전원의 카피킬러 결과 확인서(요약보기)를 심사위원 및 교학팀에 학과(전공) 별
취합하여 제출함
- 표절률에 관계없이 [논문] 심사자 전원의 표절검사 결과 확인서를 제출함
3. 유의사항
가. 2024-1학기(2024.8.월) 졸업 희망(예정)자에 한하여, 학위논문·학위과제·학위자격시험 신청할 수 있음
나. 학과(전공)별 졸업 유형별 필수과목이 있는 경우 이수하여야 함
다. 학위자격시험은 재학·수료생 중 수료학점 충족 및 당해학기 6학점 이상 이수가능한 학생만 신청 가능
- 각 학과 및 전공별 수료학점 기준 별도 확인
라. 학칙시행세칙 제34조 2에 의거하여 2018학년도 3월 입학자부터 석사학위청구 기한은 수료일로부터 5년 이내로 함 (외국인학생은 3년 이내로 함)
1. 2024-1 학위논문_학위과제_학위자격시험 진행 일정표 1부
5. 카피킬러캠퍼스 사용자 매뉴얼 1부
6. 논문 표절검사 결과확인서 제출안내. 끝.
The Graduate School of Specialized Studies is pleased to announce the following schedule for thesis, dissertation, and qualifying exams for the first semester of the 2024 academic year.
1. Key dates
| Key Events | Responsible | Duration | Details |
1 | Thesis-Dissertation-Assignments-Degree Qualifying Examination Applying for Examination | Student | 4/1(Mon)~4/5(Fri) | [Sookmyung Portal System] Undergraduate>Graduation>Dissertation Management>Apply for Thesis/Assignment/Test |
2 | Approve thesis and dissertation applications | Advisor Major Professor | 4/5(Fri)~4/9(Tue) |
3 | Thesis-Dissertation-Assignments-Degree Qualifying Exams Paying examination fees | Student | 4/12(Fri)~4/17(Wed) | [Sookmyung Portal System] Graduation>Dissertation Management>Dissertation and Degree Qualifying Examination Examination Fee Invoice>Pay Virtual Account |
4 | Dissertations - Dissertation Projects Submit a Reviewer Proposal | Departments (major) | 4/18(Tue)~4/22(Mon) |
Submit Qualifying Exam Subjects and subjects | Check for a separate letter regarding degree qualifying exams (sent at a later date) | |||
5 | Thesis and Dissertation Progress | Students Departments (major) | 5/1(Wed)~5/24((Fri) | Schedule and progress by discipline (major) |
6 | Conducting degree qualifying exams | Students | 5/8(Wed)~5/10((Fri) | Check out the Specialized Graduate School Announcements (coming soon) |
7 | Thesis - Dissertation Examination Report, copykiller result confirmation | Students (major) | ~ 5/31((Fri) |
2. How to use the plagiarism check system (Copykiller Campus)
A. How to use (Appendix 5: Library homepage login> Data search> Electronic resources Academic DB> C> Copy Killer)
1) Plagiarism check (basic condition)
- Comparison range: Current attachment, Copy Killer DB
- Check settings: excluding citation/source indication sentence, excluding title/table of contents/references
- Plagiarism criteria: 6 words or more, 1 sentence or more (e.g. I'm going home --> 3 words 1 sentence)
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
2) Plagiarism check criteria
- Recommended plagiarism rate: less than 20
- If the plagiarism rate is more than 20%, the plagiarism check result confirmation form
detailed view of the plagiarism check report and get the advisor's review comments and signature.
B. How to submit
- Submit the copykiller result confirmation letter (summary view) of all the reviewers of the thesis to the reviewers and the academic team by department (major)
by department (major)
- Submit the plagiarism check result confirmation form of all [thesis] reviewers regardless of plagiarism rate
3. Notes
A. Only those who wish to graduate in the first semester of 2024 (August 2024) can apply for thesis, thesis project, and degree qualification examination.
B. Required courses for each type of graduation by department (major), if any, must be completed.
C. The degree qualification examination is only available to students who are enrolled in the program and have completed at least 6 credits in the current semester.
- Check the credit requirements for each department and major separately
D. In accordance with Article 34.2 of the Enforcement Regulations of the University, the deadline for requesting a master's degree from March 2018 is within 5 years from the date of completion (3 years for foreign students).
1. 2024-1 Dissertation_Dissertation_Dissertation_Dissertation Qualifying Examination Schedule (1 copy)
5. 1 copy of Copykiller Campus User Manual
6. Instructions for submitting a thesis plagiarism check result confirmation. End.