- 1997
- - Founded to respond to the surge in demand for global experts and perspective
- 2001
- - Dual Degree Program with American University launched
- 2005
- Founding of the center of Global Human Resource Development (CGHRD)
- Development of Intercultural education programs in Internships Abroad
- 2006
- - Program for Sports Diplomacy launched
- 2007
- Program for French Management of Culture launched
- Partnership with the the best culture management university in France, Paris Dauphine University
- 2012
- - Opening for Sookmyung Women’s University Institute of Security Studies(SMISS)
- 2014
- - GSIS specialized with reorganization of major International PR & Public Diplomacy, Global Security Cooperation, French Management of Culture, Climate Change Studies
- 2016
- - 2017-2021 Research on the General Plan of Public Diplomacy for the Republic of Korea
- 2018
- Ph.D. in East Asian Regional Program launched
- MOU signed with the Korea Foundation to foster public diplomacy education
Established in 1997
The Graduate School of International Service (GSIS) in Sookmyung Women’s University was established in 1997 to respond to the surge in demand for global experts and perspectives. GSIS has been nurturing and producing specialists as a leading graduate school of international affairs.
Change to meet the world
- Two majors added in accordance with the changing world environment and challenges of international affairs.
- 2006 Sports Diplomacy
- 2007 French Management of Culture
GSIS, Graduate School of International Service
Since 2014, GSIS has become more specialized with reorganization of major, International PR & Public Diplomacy, Global Security Cooperation, French Management of Culture. GSIS is educating and studying to train competent global leaders in the world, in conjunction with contributing to providing experts in foreign embassy, international organization, government organization, international press, and international company.
GSIS-SMU will continue to exert efforts in developing global human resources based on the know-how that has been accumulated until today. And try to strengthen each core courses’ professionalism by acquiring more professionals from various fields as instructors to bring up the future global leader of 21st century based on strong combination of theoretical background and experiences. The world is already becoming one. Through our graduate school, you will be that professional the world is looking for.